Varicose & Spider VeinsVaricose veins are veins in the lower legs that are distended, widened, and in some cases, twisted. The veins most commonly affected by this problem are the ones just under the skin, called superficial veins. Besides the obvious swelling of the veins, symptoms are aching legs, muscle cramps and a feeling of heaviness in the legs. Because of bruises, blood may leave the veins and ulcers on the leg may appear. Varicose veins may also appear around the anus, and are called hemorrhoids. This situation, which is described in more detail in our section on hemorrhoids, is caused by constipation, improper diet, and sitting too long in a seat without enough padding. Doctors have a nebulous catch-all phrase, chronic venous insufficiency or CVI, to describe vein circulation problems. All this means is that a person's vein circulation system is failing and blood is backing up either in the tissues or the veins. When blood backs up in the tissues, it produces edema (swelling). When it pools in the veins it is called varicose veins. Symptoms of CVI include nighttime leg swelling, leg pain and cramping. CausesThe primary cause of varicose veins is a breakdown of the valve system in the veins. Blood carrying nutrients to the cells is pumped from the heart through the arteries to the legs. The depleted blood then returns to the heart through the venous system - veins having one-way valves. If one or more aggravating factors are present, the swollen, distorted veins, which are called varicose veins, may develop. Age and extra weight, especially in the hips and waist regions, are some of the contributing factors. With age, the valves and veins become weaker, and muscle mass and tone tend to decrease, thereby impeding the return of blood to the heart and increasing the risk of developing varicose veins. These factors may cause the valve to leak or fail, allowing blood to accumulate in the veins, causing them to stretch. Any activity that may add strain to the circulatory system or constrict the flow of blood may be a contributing factor. Prolonged standing or sitting, lifting heavy weights, long-distance running, lack of exercise and obesity are some of the factors to be considered. Wearing tight fitting clothing or boots are other possible causes. Aging, pregnancy, hormonal changes, and dietary deficiencies are also contributing factors. An unusual form of varicose veins affects over 200,000 women who suffer from chronic pelvic pain. See our Chronic Pelvic Pain section for more information. Tips
Changes to MakeDietary
SupplementsAs with so many diseases, there are underlying nutritional problems, that, if corrected, may well alleviate or eliminate the disease. We recommend the following supplements to help strengthen the circulatory system. Vitamin A Intake of 25,000 IU, for skin integrity and to promote ulcer healing. B-complex to help maintain strong blood vessels. Beta-carotene This antioxidant is a healing nutrient. Bromelain This nutrient aids in activating a factor that promotes the breakdown of fibrin and help prevent blood clots. Vitamin C and bioflavonoids to aid circulation, promote healing of sores, and strengthen vein walls. Calcium A calcium supplement will help stimulate the venous system. Lecithin Take one tablespoon of granules (or two capsules) daily to emulsify fats and aid circulation. Magnesium To relax the arteries and muscles in the legs. Tissue salts Take two tablets of 6X Calcium Fluoride, mornings and evenings, to improve elasticity of blood vessel walls. Vitamin E Take 300 to 800 IU, in gradually increased doses, to promote and improve circulation. Vitamin E may also relieve calf pain due to narrowing of the arteries. Vitamin K cream will help strengthen the capillaries. Zinc Take 50 mg. daily, to assist with healing and collagen formation. Exercise
ClothingClothing that is too tight, including shoes or boots, will restrict circulation and may be the cause of your varicose veins by not allowing the blood to properly flow through your body. Snug fitting girdles, pantyhose, belts, and boots and shoes, especially high-heels, cut off circulation, thus forcing blood to seek alternative routes or causing back-pressure on the veins. Support hose, on the other hand, helps promote circulation. Make sure it is the kind that is tighter at the ankles, gradually decreasing the pressure as they get higher up the leg. If you can't find a good over-the-counter brand, they can be medically prescribed. RemediesFolkAloe vera Aloe vera gel can be applied to relive itching. Apple cider vinegar The old stand by - apple cider vinegar - has shown significant benefits for relieving varicose veins. There are several variations to choose from. Twice a day apply cheesecloth or other bandages saturated with vinegar to the legs for 30 minutes. Lie down and keep your feet somewhat elevated.
Aspirin An aspirin a day may relieve the pain of varicose veins by thinning the blood, thereby making it easier to circulate. Cayenne pepper Take a teaspoon in a cup of hot water three times a day. This will stop the pain in your legs and reduce the varicose veins by making the blood flow better. This remedy may take a week or two, but is very effective. Then keep on a maintenance dose of one teaspoon twice a day. Chlorophyll Chlorophyll provides stronger blood which helps revitalize the vascular system in the legs. Chlorophyll is also a rich source of vitamin K - the anti-hemorrhagic vitamin. Because of poor circulation the blood does not have enough oxygen and minerals to nourish the veins. Cod liver oil/honey Make a blend of half cod liver oil and half raw honey, bandage, and leave on overnight. Epsom salts Alternating 2 minute icy-cold and very hot soaks (with 2 tablespoons of epsom salts per quart of water) for ten minutes daily will stimulate circulation. Garlic Eat plenty of fresh garlic. Sugar, powdered For ulcers that may form on varicose veins, apply dry powdered sugar. Witch hazel Apply witch hazel, an astringent, twice a day to the veins, or take 10-60 drops of witch hazel tincture four times a day. HerbalHorse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) Studies done in Europe found that horse chestnut helped to increase blood flow up and out of the legs, strengthen connective tissue, tighten up veins, decrease redness and swelling, and relieve painful leg conditions caused by poor circulation. One of its compounds, Aescin, has been found to close the small pores in the walls of the veins, making them less permeable. This strengthens the vein walls and reduces leakage of fluid into the surrounding tissues. Take horse chestnut capsules containing 50-300 mg of aescin 2-3 times a day, or 1-5 drops of horse chestnut tincture three times a day. Improvement should be within six weeks. Avoid horse chestnut if you have liver or kidney disease or if you are pregnant or breast feeding. Unlike diuretics, horse chestnut is unlikely to cause potassium deficiency or other side effects. Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) Take 20 to 60 drops of horsetail tincture 3-4 times a day. Pycnogenol, sometimes sold as OPC or PCO, made from pine bark extract, significantly improves symptoms of CVI. Pycnogenol contains flavonoids with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Several studies have shown their significant benefit for CVI conditions. Start by taking 100 mg three times a day for two months with food or on an empty stomach. Subsequently, adjust the dose to 1 mg for every two pounds of weight for a month, then 20-50 mg daily for maintenance. Tea Drink a tea several times daily made by combining the following herbs: St John's wort, Yarrow, and Arnica root (we stress the root, as the flowers are not for internal use). For pregnancy, start using this tea several months before delivery as it has been shown to be especially effective for reducing vein problems during and after pregnancy (and other forms of surgery, too). It is also good for ulcerated legs. If you can get tinctures of the fresh herbs, they are stronger. Again, only get the tincture of the Arnica root. White oak bark Drink 3 cups of white oak bark tea daily. HomeopathicLachesis To relieve painful inflammation, take Lachesis 10x and 12x. Calcarea fluorica at a potency of 12x. Take two tablets (0.125 gr each) three times daily. This, taken with Yarrow will help improve the elasticity of the walls of the veins. Spider VeinsSpider veins normally appear on the face, neck, upper arms or thighs and are often characterized by a small round, red spot with tiny red veins radiating outward like a spider's legs. This condition is known as spider angioma or spider telangiectasia. They are chronically dilated capillaries usually caused by excessive alcohol, medication, or elevated estrogen levels that occur during pregnancy, postmenopausal estrogen therapy, or perhaps exposure to estrogen-mimicking substances, such as petrochemicals and xenoestrogens derived from pesticides (Ed: this last possibility is a supposition on the part of this website only, and might be a cause if you have estrogen dominance or fibrocystic breasts). Quite often it occurs with cirrhosis of the liver. This condition is harmless to your health, however some people want to treat it for cosmetic reasons. Spider veins can come and go. If you are undergoing estrogen therapy, consult with your physician about reducing the dose. One way to eliminate spider veins is to undergo sclerotherapy, which involves injecting a substance into the veins that destroys them. Laser surgery is another but more expensive option. Two other traditional methods of treating spider veins are cryotherapy and cauterization. Caution: stay out of the sun until you are completely healed, which should be fairly brief. We suggest trying some of the remedies for varicose veins mentioned above, especially ones with bioflavonoids such as pycnogenol (PCO or OPC), quercetin and bromelain. If used regularly, horse chestnut, horsetail and witch hazel will prevent spider veins. Vitamin C will also be beneficial in your protocol. These supplements will help strengthen the integrity of the capillaries, reduce inflammation and aid in healing.
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